Tuesday, July 07, 2009

race relations

Yesterday on the way home, a tiny man on a tiny bike with a tiny skintight outfit passed me near Cole's Barbeque. In the most light-hearted of ways, I thought, "ooo, competition!" and picked up the pace for a little race. I could have passed him once or twice, but I didn't want to be too creepy, and it was really all I could do to keep up most of the time.
I thought about giving up when he broke away after Betty Burger, but -- aha! -- the pedestrians on the trestle slowed him down a bit and I caught up. I was stoked to be able stay on his tail until we parted ways at the old funspot. I thought about thanking him for the good workout, but again, I'm sure I was being creepy enough without that on top.
Sometimes you gotta race, I don't know...

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