Monday, May 01, 2006

oh - before i forget...

I need to start compiling the list of greatest softball moments for each week.
In my opinion....
Week 1 - April 21st:
- Erik Hellen's crazy-wild dinger. Short-shorts. Short shirt. And a mad fury when it comes to hitting that ball.
Week 2 - April 28th:
- The intense game of five-man-pickle involving Dan and Sam. As if regular old pickle weren't enough to get you outta your seat and screaming your ass off, both Dan AND Sam had to get in on it, complete with falling, sliding, and cries of victory when Sam finally made it home and Dan was safe on third.
I think there should also be moments of honorable mention on this list... Any suggestions?

1 comment:

foo said...

what about when I absolutely got trampled?

or how about when kam pulled jason out for being a sucky douchebag?